A few weeks ago, this popped up on my Twitter feed and my jaw dropped:
#FunFact : When writing one of my original songs I drew inspiration from the book #SophieAndCarter by @chelseafine
— Justin Breit (@breitmusic) January 18, 2013
I was like, "No way! Sophie & Carter inspired a SONG???"
So of course I immediately hunted Justin down and mauled him with smiley faces and then I went and YouTubed him like a stalker.
And HOLY CRAP he is amazing.
Just watch this:
I cyber-tackled Justin with a slew of emoticons and asked if I could feature him on my blog (because, hello, he's a rock star) and he graciously said yes. So ladies and gentlemen, meet Justin Breit. :)

Hey Chelsea! Well to start off, I'm a nineteen year old singer and songwriter from Staten Island, New York. I’ve been singing since I could walk and I’ve always dreamt of pursuing music as a career, but truthfully never thought I’d be given an opportunity to. Within the past year I’ve gained a rapidly increasing fan base through my YouTube channel. Because of the feedback and the popularity my videos have received doors have opened that are giving me the chance to finally live my dream.
You mentioned on Twitter how Sophie & Carter was the inspiration for an original song you're working on. Can you tell us more about this song?

You are soon to be featured on MTV's MADE and I can't wait to watch your episode! What can viewers expect from your MADE feature?
Thanks a lot! There's not much I can say since it hasn't aired yet, but I'm very excited for viewers to see this journey I embarked on. I can honestly say that since filming has concluded I've not only gone through a complete transformation as an artist, but more importantly as a person. I think that's what makes this episode so unique… If you compare some of my old YouTube videos, prior to the MADE episode, to ones I filmed after you'll see how much I've grown up in the past year or so. There will be times throughout the episode when the "going gets tough", but in the end I would do it all over again. An experience I'll never forget.
Is there anything else you'd like people to know about yourself and where you're headed?
I think it's important for fans of my music to know how appreciative I am for all their support! They motivate me constantly and I can never thank them all enough. Since the MADE episode filming wrapped I've been in the studio working hard on my first all original EP. I want it to be perfect so I'm constantly fine tuning songs, but as of right now I plan on releasing it around Summer 2013. Thanks for all the support Chelsea. It's been an absolute pleasure.
Thank YOU for taking the time to chat with me, Justin!
So everybody needs to tune into MTV later this month for the airing of Justin's MADE episode and cheer him on, okay? Okay! :) And in the meantime, check him out online:
Here's one last video to rock your socks off:
Peace out, guys. I love your guts! :)